The decision procedure of the KZfSS
Selection of article manuscripts
Decisions on the publication of articles are made by the editors together with the editorial office. To this end, four editorial meetings are held each year at which all submitted manuscripts are discussed and decisions on acceptance or rejection are made. In addition, urgent decisions are occasionally made in telephone conferences.
To prepare the decision, external reviewer opinions are obtained. The list of reviewers since 1994/95 can be viewed separately on the page Reviewers. Many of the manuscripts considered for publication are returned to the authors for revision. The final decision on the revised manuscripts is then usually made at the following editorial meeting.
The acceptance rate of the journal varies between 25-40 %, depending on the number of manuscripts submitted annually.
The period between submission and publication of a manuscript should be kept as short as possible, and authors should be informed as quickly as possible on the editors' decision. The period of time between submission and notification of acceptance or rejection of the paper at the most recent editorial meeting is less than 70 days on average. For the majority of manuscripts, a revision is requested.
Selection of book reviews
The selection of books for review is carried out by the editorial staff of the journal in cooperation with editors and members of the advisory board. Unsolicited submissions of reviews will not be published. Every year, the editorial office receives more than 150 specialist books. Between 35 and 45 books are critically rated in 30 to 40 reviews. The review section of the journal has a volume of approx. 90 to approx. 120 printed pages per volume.